Hi friends!!!
In our previous blogs, we have discussed about the following topics.
IEC 60601-1 Classification of Medical Electrical Equipment
IEC 60601-1 General Requirements for Testing Medical Electrical Equipment
EU MDR Timeline, Annex, Chapter
EU MDR Post Market Surveillance
EU MDR Technical Documentation - Part 1
EU MDR Technical Documentation - Part 2
EU MDR General Safety and Performance Requirement
EU MDR Information on the Label
EU MDR Post Market Clinical Follow Up
EU MDR Unique Device Identification - Part 1
EU MDR Unique Device Identification - Part 2
EU MDR Chapter & Articles - Part 1
EU MDR Chapter & Articles - Part 2
In today's blog, we are going to discuss about IEC 60601-1.
IEC 60601-1 states the Basic safety requirements for Medical Electrical Equipment's. Satisfying the requirements of IEC 60601-1 is an important task in order to commercialize the Medical Electrical Equipment's
Therefore, it is important for Medical Device QA/RA Professionals to know in detail about Clause 16: Medical Electrical Systems as per IEC 60601-1.
Let's get into the topic.
Clause 16: Medical Electrical Systems
Medical Electrical System means a
combination of individual devices in which at least one of the devices must be
a Medical Electrical Equipment.
Clause 16 of IEC 60601-1 states the
requirements for Medical Electrical Systems. The following are the Sub-Clauses.
General requirements for the ME
Accompanying documents of an ME
Power Supply
Separation Devices
Leakage Currents
Protection against Mechanical Hazards
Interruption of the Power Supply to
parts of an ME Systems
ME System Connections and Wiring
Let’s discuss in detail about Important requirements of above-mentioned Sub Clauses.
General requirements for the Medical Electrical Systems
The Medical Electrical System shall
not result in any unacceptable risk, after installation or further
modifications. Only Hazards arising from combining of individual devices to a
Medical Electrical System shall be considered. The Medical Electrical Equipment
having only Basic Insulation as a protection against electric shock shall not
be used in Medical Electrical Systems
Accompanying Documents
The Medical Electrical System shall
be accompanied by supporting documents which includes all the information’s required
to use the Medical Electrical System as prescribed by the manufacturer.
The accompanying documents shall
also include the address of the manufacturer to which the responsible
organization can refer.
Power Supply
If the Medical Electrical Equipment
receives power from other equipment in the Medical Electrical System, the IFU
shall specify the details of the other equipment to satisfy the requirement of
IEC 60601-1.
Separation Devices
When the allowable value of Leakage
current exceeds due to the functional connection between the Medical Electrical
Equipment and other items in the Medical Electrical System, the separation
device shall be applied as a safety measure. The Separation device shall have a
dielectric strength, creepage distance and air clearance to provide one means
of operator protection and withstand the highest voltage occurring across the
separation device.
Leakage Current
The Patient Leakage current from
patient connection to earth, under normal condition shall not exceed 10 mA dc
and 100 mA ac for Type B and BF Applied Part & 10 mA dc and 10 mA ac for
Type CF Applied Part. The Total Patient Leakage current with the same types of
applied parts connected together, under normal condition shall not exceed 50 mA
dc and 500 mA ac for Type B and BF Applied Part & 50 mA dc and 50 mA ac for
Type CF Applied Part.
The Touch current, Patient Leakage
current, Total Patient leakage current and Total Earth Leakage Current are
measured once the Medical Electrical System is brought up to the level
Operating Temperature.
Medical Electrical System Connections and Wiring
The Pneumatic, electrical, hydraulic,
and gas connection terminals and connectors shall be designed and constructed
in such a way to prevent the incorrect connection to the nearby accessible
connectors and removal of the connections without the use of a tool. Patient
leads shall be designed in a way that it cannot be connected to other outlets
present in the same Medical Electrical System which are meant to be in the
patient environment.
Protective Earth Connections shall be
made in a way that the removal of any single item of equipment in the Medical Electrical
System shall not interrupt the protective earthing of any other part of the Medical
Electrical System.
Now I hope you have acquired some knowledge about IEC 60601-1 Clause 16: Medical Electrical Systems.
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